
We have been working with Steve at ‘Little Big Men Studios’ to produce a set of transfers for King John of Bohemia and some Bohemian knights. Iain at ‘Flags of War’ has also been doing banners.

April 2021: Fantastic New Transfer Sets Available for Shields, Barded Horses and Surcoats.

Our knights from packs OT23 and OT24. Two new packs of knights with lances will be coming soon!
David’s collection.


February 2020: We have created a miniature tape measure on a key chain for all you gamers and proud Claymore Castings collectors. It is available in the shop now, price £2.

January 2020: We are please to announce that we are now stocking a new range of HYW French Flags by “Flags of War”.

Welcome to the new Claymore Castings Site. In this area we will keep you informed about new products and changes.